2024 CSA 

Membership Agreement and Guidelines

1. NeilsonFamilyFarm CSA

Growing Practices

We are not certified organic; however, It is a future goal , and intensive tracking for future certification has begun .That said, our farming practices meet or exceed the national organic standards. We do not use synthetic chemical herbicides, pesticides, or fertilizers. We use minimal tillage, cover crops, mulch, compost and organic amendments to preserve and enhance soil structure and health. In addition, we are committed to being a 100% transparent farm. Our SDS sheets for all farm inputs will be available at any time. We welcome our members, and anyone else, to visit and take a tour of the farm.

2024 Crop-list


CSA Membership

Members will receive a weekly share of vegetables. The CSA season  runs from  June through October. Members are responsible for picking up shares each week at one of the designated pick-ups.

No work commitment required: Unlike some CSAs, we do not require that you work as part of your membership. However, we do welcome volunteers for tasks like weeding or harvesting carrots and potatoes.  If you do want to volunteer, we ask that you call ahead and schedule.

2. Sharing the risk of crop failure

We promise to do our best to provide you with a bountiful share each week. We use irrigation, row cover, integrated pest management, and other sustainable practices to minimize the risk of crop loss. Despite these efforts, the quantity of produce may vary from week to week and season to season due to extreme weather, insects, or other production factors. By joining our CSA, you are agreeing to share the risk of crop failure with us and other members.


3. Picking up your share

You are responsible for picking up your share each week during the specified day and time that you choose


Friday  @ Neilson Family Farm 6301 N. Thierman Rd. Spokane , WA 99217 9am-5pm


Saturday  @ Neilson Family Farm 6301 N. Thierman Rd. Spokane , WA 99217 9am-5pm 


We encourage you to bring your own bags, boxes, or cooler to carry your vegetables home. However, we do supply waxed produce boxes . The produce boxes are highly expensive and we ask that you do your best to re-use the box as long as possible , and return each week.

Unable to pick up share

If you are unable to pick up your share, please give us as much advance notice as possible—ideally, at least 24 hours. You then have the following options:

  • You may have someone else pick up your share. Please let us know who will be coming in your place.

  • With at least 24 hours notice, you may switch your pick-up day to the alternate day . 

  • We prefer that you pick one day and stick with it, but we can accommodate occasional changes.

  • You may pick up a "double share" the preceding or following week; however, members often find that they cannot use all of the vegetables

No weather cancellations

Pickup will happen rain or shine; it will not be canceled due to inclement weather.



4: Safety & Logistics


We have a single-lane driveway. Please drive slowly. If there is a car coming in

the opposite direction feel free to pull over onto the grass. ( Parking Lot coming in 2024 )


Perpendicular parking is available on the grass off to the left side of the driveway. Please make sure that you are not blocking anyone’s exit. Exercise caution when backing out. 

Farm hazards

We do our best to minimize risks to you and your family when you are visiting; however, we are a working farm and it is impossible to eliminate all hazards.

  • Uneven ground: Please exercise caution when walking around the farm,  there may be holes, slippery grass, or other tripping hazards.

  • Farm animals: We raise chickens, ducks, and geese throughout the season. They are fascinating to watch and we encourage you to do so. However, we ask that you do not feed them, pet them or enter their enclosures unless one of the farm staff is present.

  • Farm equipment: Please do not climb on, operate or move any farm equipment or tools.


Visiting the farm is a wonderful experience for the entire family and we feel that every child should be able to see how their food is grown and how farm animals are raised.  We try to make the farm as family-friendly as possible; however, as outlined above, there are potential hazards for children. Please supervise your children at all times. If you have older children, please discuss these guidelines with them. When time permits, we enjoy taking the kids on tours of the farm—remind your kids that you or a farm staff member must be with them at all times whenever they leave the distribution area.


We love dogs and have three of our own. However, there are many animals on the farm as well as other CSA members and their children who may not be as comfortable around dogs. We ask you to avoid bringing dogs onto the farm . If it is unavoidable , we ask they remain inside the vehicle , or securely leashed during the entire visit .




5. Communication

Our email is Chris@NeilsonFamilyFarm.com. 

Our phone is (509) 688-5306. 

 We will do our best to respond within 24 hours. Please contact us with any news of the following: changes to your postal or email address, any week(s) you are unable to pick up your share, dissatisfaction with your share, or anything else you would like us to know.

We will communicate with you by email. When you sign up, you will be added to our distribution list, which we will use to communicate important information about our CSA and farm events. We will try to email you every week with a  newsletter giving you information about the crops, recipe ideas, photos (when available), and other farm-related news.

 Follow us on Facebook and Instagram , and contact us there as well.