Meet your farmers.

Chris & Tabatha

Why we started our Farm

Chickens and Eggs.

We originally started our farm in response to seeing how industrial chickens were mistreated , so we began a small flock to offer ourselves a humane alternative. We recognized the importance of treating animals with respect and care. By starting small and prioritizing animal welfare, we started to learn about and appreciate small local food production.

What started as a small chicken flock quickly turned into a passion for gardening. As the flock grew and produced more eggs, we realized the abundance of nutrient-rich manure that could be used to fertilize the garden. We began experimenting with different crops and techniques, and before we knew it, there was a thriving garden that provided fresh, healthy produce right outside our door. The connection between the chickens, their manure, and the garden inspired a new appreciation for the interconnectedness of all living things. This newfound passion for gardening has become an integral part of our life and has not only provided us with delicious food but also a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Vegetable gardening.

Expanding and sharing our farm journey

As the garden continued to thrive, it began to produce more fruits and vegetables than one family could consume. That's when the idea of starting a market garden began to take shape. We began to cultivate a wider variety of crops, and continued to grow the gardens. We also realized that our eggs, which were from happy and healthy chickens, were popular. Soon enough, we began selling both fresh produce and eggs at local farmers' markets, and the response was overwhelmingly positive. As our customer base grew, so did our market garden. We began to cultivate larger plots, invest in new farming tools and equipment to help with the expanding operation. What started as a small chicken flock and a passion for gardening, has now transformed into a thriving market garden business, providing our community with fresh, healthy, and sustainable produce and eggs.